Why not capture this magical time of year in photographs?
 Autumn foliage and wreaths made from them Autumn herbarium, dried flowers and dead wood. A warm blanket and a mug of hot, smoky tea would also be helpful. Umbrellas and boots Rowan Apple orchards are relevant and beautiful both in spring and autumn Pumpkins, baskets and gifts of autumn Both models and photographers need to remember that autumn is not only about foliage, but also about vintage outfits on girls, bright moments of nature’s decline and the revival of decadence. You can get ideas from everywhere, the most important thing is to let the autumn atmosphere pass through you, projecting it into the result


Ideas for autumn photo shoots. Семейный и детский фотограф в Вильнюсе Светлана Наумова

Why do I photograph outdoors?

Advantages of photoshoot outdoors
Ideas for autumn photo shoots. Семейный и детский фотограф в Вильнюсе Светлана Наумова

Details of children’s photography

Photographing children is very interesting for me. I always get a charge of positivity and inspiration after every...

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